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Hummingbird Automations

Automations is a new way to streamline and accelerate your compliance processes. With Automations, you can automate away manual, repetitive compliance tasks, while enforcing controls and improving oversight.


Want to see Automations in action? Watch this on-demand product demo, plus an inside look at how Affirm leverages automation.

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Increase productivity, reduce risk,
and lower costs with Automations


Less busywork,
more strategic work

Improve your team's productivity by automating away the low-value, high-volume tasks that slow them down.


Automated controls, proactive oversight

Reduce risk by eliminating the need for manual oversight with automated controls and proactive monitoring.


A cost-effective solution for scaling compliance

Efficiently allocate resources and optimize program performance to keep costs low and quality high.

The easy and safe way to automate compliance work

Create custom automations for your specific processes with an intuitive builder. Using simple yet powerful if/then rules.

Automations for every part of your compliance program

Put manual processes and one-off administrative tasks on autopilot. 


  • Enhanced Due Diligence

    Track, monitor, and trigger periodic reviews for high-risk customers.
  • Quality Control and Assurance

    Randomly sample cases and schedule recurring QA/QC reviews.
  • Case Preparation

    Accelerate investigations by pre-populating case information and findings.
  • Case Management

    Create and update cases, get notified of key activity, and receive weekly digests.
  • Enhanced Due Diligence

    Track, monitor, and trigger periodic reviews for high-risk customers.
  • Quality Control and Assurance

    Randomly sample cases and schedule recurring QA/QC reviews.
  • Case Preparation

    Accelerate investigations by pre-populating case information and findings.
  • Case Management

    Create and update cases, get notified of key activity, and receive weekly digests.
  • “Automations has made a huge impact on my team and our work. We're now able to easily automate notifications and reporting, allowing us to increase oversight and streamline our workflow.”

    Senior Compliance Manager, Leading BNPL Provider

  • “With Automations, Hummingbird continues to prove why they are our go-to service provider. Automations has enabled timely oversight, controls, and audits and helps align the team on cases, follow-ups, and pending actions. ”

    Senior FIU Manager, Leading Digital Banking Platform

  • “Automations streamlines our process and saves us time. Before using Automations, I would check every Monday to see if a new case had been created or check my approaching deadlines. Now, these questions are answered in my inbox. It’s very efficient!”

    Operations and Compliance Specialist, Marygold & Co.

  • “Automations has made a huge impact on my team and our work. We're now able to easily automate notifications and reporting, allowing us to increase oversight and streamline our workflow.”

    Senior Compliance Manager, Leading BNPL Provider

  • “With Automations, Hummingbird continues to prove why they are our go-to service provider. Automations has enabled timely oversight, controls, and audits and helps align the team on cases, follow-ups, and pending actions. ”

    Senior FIU Manager, Leading Digital Banking Platform

  • “Automations streamlines our process and saves us time. Before using Automations, I would check every Monday to see if a new case had been created or check my approaching deadlines. Now, these questions are answered in my inbox. It’s very efficient!”

    Operations and Compliance Specialist, Marygold & Co.


Get started faster with templates

Choose from a library of pre-built templates to quickly automate common compliance tasks. Use them straight out of the box, or tweak them to fit your needs.

Hummingbird AI

From summarizing research to offering risk-based insights, our AI tools are designed to make compliance work faster, easier, and more accurate. Hummingbird's AI tools include:

  • Case insights: Get a quick, concise summary of the most important case details and potential risk indicators. 

  • SAR narratives: Accelerate SAR filing by using AI to write narratives and check them for quality and completeness.

  • File summarization: Breeze through customer research with an accurate, complete summary of case files. 

Learn more about what we're building →


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Discover how you can unlock the power of automation with Hummingbird.

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