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Our Diversity Manifesto

At Hummingbird, we’re committed to building a diverse team from the ground up. To clarify and codify our commitment, we’ve decided to publish this manifesto to explain what diversity means to us, why we believe it’s so important, and what we’re doing to build an inclusive culture and a diverse team.


What is diversity at Hummingbird?

At Hummingbird, our goal is to build a team of people with different viewpoints that originate from different past experiences. We believe that people with different backgrounds, cultures, and identities experience the world in different ways and gain different perspectives. As we build our team, we want to bring a breadth of perspectives to the problems we’re solving. Because we think of diversity as fundamentally originating from different life experiences, our goal is to hire a team with diversity across a wide range of factors. Our ideal team combines people with different genders, races, ethnicities, ages, sexual orientations, abilities, economic classes, past work experiences, and more.


Why is diversity important to Hummingbird?

We believe diversity is important to Hummingbird because:

  • We have hard problems to solve.
    Different perspectives provide new ways of conceptualizing problems and lead to more creative solutions to difficult problems.
  • We want to build the best team we can.
    That means focusing on diversity even in the early days of our company and ensuring that different perspectives are welcomed. By proactively working to build a diverse team early on, we are setting ourselves up to support the best people from a wide array of backgrounds as we continue to grow.
  • We want to consider the impact of our work on society.
    As we build solutions for investigating financial crimes, we want to avoid biases that can have a disparate impact on disadvantaged groups. A team with diverse perspectives will help us anticipate more potential consequences of our choices and avoid blind spots. We want to effect major changes to financial regulations, which have far reaching consequences for society. We believe diverse perspectives are necessary to ensure that our work effects positive change.
  • Diverse teams are more fun and engaging.
    We all enjoy learning and experiencing diverse viewpoints. We love to travel, to read, to listen to podcasts and to do whatever else we can to expand our own perspectives. We legitimately want to work with a diverse team.

How is Hummingbird committed to diversity?

A commitment to diversity is only as strong as the actions taken to secure that commitment. To build an inclusive culture and a diverse team, we are starting with the following steps:

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    Inclusion Training

    Every employee must go through inclusion training to understand our commitment to diversity and their role in achieving it.
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    Flexible Interviews

    We understand that part of an inclusive culture is awareness of different obligations that might interfere with a traditional interview schedule. In order to welcome a wide array of backgrounds, we accommodate a wide array of interview schedules.
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    Work Life Balance

    We are all committed to the success of Hummingbird, but we are also committed to our loved ones and families. We find ways to balance those two commitments in order to be inclusive to people with different sets of commitments.
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    Inclusion Training

    Every employee must go through inclusion training to understand our commitment to diversity and their role in achieving it.
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    Flexible Interviews

    We understand that part of an inclusive culture is awareness of different obligations that might interfere with a traditional interview schedule. In order to welcome a wide array of backgrounds, we accommodate a wide array of interview schedules.
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    Work Life Balance

    We are all committed to the success of Hummingbird, but we are also committed to our loved ones and families. We find ways to balance those two commitments in order to be inclusive to people with different sets of commitments.

As our team and company mature, we’ll be continually revisiting this list to make sure our commitments evolve to meet the needs of our growing team.


In Summary

We believe that it is necessary to continuously, consciously, and diligently reinforce our commitment to diversity. If you think we’re missing something in our understanding of diversity or have an idea for other actions we can take to build a more diverse and inclusive company, we welcome your input. If you have a perspective we might be missing at Hummingbird, email us at diversity@hummingbird.co — we’d love to talk about how you can contribute.