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One platform. Thousands of applications.

Compliance and risk teams work across several different practice areas. Hummingbird gives you a platform capable of managing all of them.


Anti-Money Laundering

Streamline your Anti-Money Laundering (AML) investigations and reports, reducing time-per-case by up to 90%.

  • Intelligently

    Intelligently group and triage monitoring alerts from any source

  • Consolidate

    Consolidate all of your case information into one place

  • Manage

    Manage case assignments, timelines, and workflows

  • Automate

    Automate Suspicious Activity Reports and Unusual Activity Referrals to partners

  • icon5Sail through exams with detailed audit trails and decision support

    Sail through exams with detailed audit trails and decision support


Customer Diligence

Organize manual reviews of your customers, including onboarding approvals, periodic monitoring, and enhanced due diligence (EDD). Develop a single source of truth about each customer, and reduce duplicate diligence work across your team.

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  • Add

    Add structured workflows to your customer diligence reviews

  • Develop

    Develop a shared, single source of truth about your customers

  • Collect

    Collect, attach, and review supporting documents

  • Automatically

    Automatically queue customers for periodic review


Anti-Fraud Investigations

Your fraud defenses are only as good as your investigations. Hummingbird organizes your casework, providing insights that help your anti-fraud team identify attacks early, react quickly, and continuously analyze protections.

  • findings

    Manage fraud cases alongside related compliance work

  • organization

    Organize investigation work and findings

  • Identify

    Identify loopholes and fraud types

  • Train

    Train fraud detection models with well-labeled and structured data


Bank & Fintech Collaboration

Collaboration between fintechs and sponsor banks should be seamless. Hummingbird lets you keep tabs on case management, coordinate investigation work, and make consistent referrals.

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  • policies

    Align case management and workflows with your policies

  • collaboration

    Connect fintech and bank partner Hummingbird accounts for easy collaboration

  • insights

    Work from a shared view of case information and insights

  • formats

    Coordinate oversight and receive consistent case referral formats


Lending Complaints

Don’t leave customer protections to chance. Investigating lending complaints is critical, and Hummingbird helps you keep the process organized and auditable.

  • icon-cases-lending-help

    Help customer support teams escalate complaints in need of investigation

  • icon-cases-lending-track

    Keep track of regulated timelines, disclosures, and root cause analysis

  • icon-cases-lending-compliant

    Stay compliant with consumer protections in lending


Dispute Claims & Chargebacks

Managing dispute claims and chargebacks to the requirements of Regulations E and Z can be difficult. Coordinate your dispute and chargeback responses with Hummingbird – we’ll keep you on time, compliant, and auditable.

  • Handle

    Handle Reg E and Reg Z disputes alongside other case types

  • Automated

    Automated dispute timeline management

  • Provisional

    Provisional credit decision support and audit

  • Chargeback

    Chargeback initiation and outcome tracking


Crypto Compliance

Cryptocurrencies are changing everything about finance – including regulation. Hummingbird was founded by crypto compliance and risk experts, and is designed to help you stay ahead of the curve.

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  • Native

    Native support for crypto blockchains, addresses, and denominations

  • Out-of-the-box

    Out-of-the-box integration with leading blockchain investigation providers

  • Data

    Data visualizations and analytics for crypto transactions

  • investigations

    Fluid investigations that span fraud, AML, and customer diligence

Get in touch

We’d be happy to share how Hummingbird can bring organization, efficiency, and sophistication to your compliance program. Schedule a demo today.

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